Our Pledge
At Stay Gold Features, we have always prioritised inclusive hiring in both above-the-line and below-the-line positions. This is a practice we will now implement as company policy, as we strive to broaden our scope and expand our network.
Open access to any industry requires acknowledgement of the financial and systemic realities of society. If we want to create more space for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) in the entertainment industry, we must actively generate opportunities that allow for sustainable careers.
With this pledge, we commit to being part of a much needed and overdue transformation within the industry. We hope this inspires other companies to join us or create their own pledge for change.
We pledge that every project we produce will meet at least two of the five criteria below:
- 1. BIPOC director and/or writer
- 2. BIPOC talent cast in at least 25% of significant speaking roles
- 3. Screenplay center on the stories of BIPOC
- 4. At least two BIPOC Department Heads, and/or at least 30% below-the-line BIPOC crew members
- 5. Employ 2-3 BIPOC interns at a PA salary, plus travel and accommodations
In addition, we will create an in-office internship program for high school students from under-represented communities that will support 2-3 interns per semester.